Think You Can and You Will
Oct 26, 2020
Have you heard this quote from Henry Ford?
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
I’ve heard this phrase for years and have a deeper understanding of this phrase now that I’ve been studying neural linguistic programming, human behaviour and psychology.
Let’s start with an understanding of a part of your brain call the Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS is a grouping of neurons in your brain that are responsible for attention and the ability to focus.
Simply put, your RAS acts like a sentinel in your brain. It is constantly searching for what you want to see. You’ll notice this happening when you start noticing something that you haven’t noticed before.
For example, if you decide that you’re going to purchase a red convertible because you want something that will stand out and quite frankly no one else has one. You’ll start to see red convertibles everywhere. At first, you may think it’s just a fluke. After a while, you’ll realize that you simply didn’t notice how many red convertibles are out there.
This is how your RAS functions.
When you program it to seek and find something, it will continually scan the environment and you’ll see what you have programmed into your RAS.
This is why when you think you can or you think you can do, have or be something, you’re right.
If you keep feeling like a failure in your business, your RAS will show you evidence of being a failure. You won’t be able to see the many successes you’ve had in your day, week, month or year, because your RAS, being the ever faithful servant will highlight your failures.
So, if you want to feel more successful in your business, life, or career, program your RAS to seek evidence of your success.
If you want to meet the significant other of your dreams, program your RAS to seek out what you desire.
This is why at the end of every email my clients receive from after our sessions, I state this:
Your intention is everything, so focus on what you want!
Your intention programs your RAS to focus on and bring your attention to what you want.
In other words, whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.
Start today, think you can. Program your RAS to seek the evidence that you can, and you will.
I believe that you have the potential inside of you to BE who you want to be, to DO what you’re passionate about and to HAVE the success you’re striving for. It’s in you.
I provide high performance mindset shifts that transform your thoughts and beliefs using quantum linguistics and proven coaching techniques designed to blast your through your limiting beliefs, so that you release your inner bad ass and confidently take action to grow your business and your revenue.
Let’s connect to discuss your needs and explore whether we're a good fit. No pressure, just great conversation.
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