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Success & Clarity Blog

Clear Your Path to Seven Figure Success

The Deep Dive: A Childhood Lesson on Setting the Right Goals focus goals May 28, 2024

When I was about six years old, I took swimming lessons. It was an exciting time, and I had the opportunity to compete in a swim meet. The swim...

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Understanding Trauma Responses: From Jumpiness to Mindful Awareness anxiety focus mindset Apr 08, 2024

A few months ago, I had an eye-opening realization about my own reactions that led me down a path of self-discovery and healing. It all started...

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Powerful Thinking focus Apr 11, 2022

Have you heard of one of these statements?

“Your energy flows to where your attentions goes.”

“You are what you believe.”


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Reclaim Your Focus focus Jan 24, 2022

Do you find your mind going all over the place to consider all the things you want to do this week, all the people you want to connect with, all...

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Positive Focus focus Oct 24, 2021

To create lasting and effective change in your life and your behaviour, pay attention to your thoughts, your emotions, and your intention in each...

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Success Mindset Formula action commit decide focus mindset Jun 15, 2021

I believe in keeping it simple, being concise and precise while delivering impact.

As a coach, I facilitate magical transformations, so you achieve...

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Steps for Your Success action commit decide focus Oct 06, 2020

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had the success in your life and business that you desire?

What if there were a simple formula...

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